so i bought a yashica t4 (fixed lens) on ebay and i’ve never been so disappointed with a point and shoot. almost all my photos turned out blurry even with flash and for some reason an entire roll turned out to be double exposed. I mean a few photos turned out to be ok, but almost all the other photos are shit. im pissed. anybody know what’s wrong with it, or wrong with me? ahk, my bike tires got jacked last night! im angry angry angry, but that’s what i get for being a half ass bike locker. I think i deserve it… the other day i left it unlocked next to a pole in bestbuy and nobody even touched it! when i came out i realized i had the lock in my hand the whole time and peed my pants in happiness. blahhhh finals is kicking my ass, im failing 2 classes, my bikes out of service.
on a lighter note… winter break is going to kick ass. so, i start out with new years eve in san francisco (GIRLS SHOW @ knockout), next day i leave to socal to hang with family for a week. January 9th, fly out to new york to kick it with the sick kids. somewhere between jan 9th – and jan 20 visit andrew in baltimore. fly back to sf jan 20 and drive straight to portland in a huge van with wildthings/ebonics cause they’re going to play at some punk music festival up there. sooooooo prepare yourself for some sick sick 2009 photos!!! oh, and markmarkmarks is back where he belongs! SF WHAT!!!!!
you better effing come see me in la…
so incredible! i love it sooo much. your my fav
I'm using a T5 and it's always a surprise how the prints turn out.. From blurry to really really sharp/contrastfull. Go ask on flickr in the T4/T5 pool, double exposure doesn't sound good.
Is the spray can not supposed to be coming out of homegirl's crotch?
yes that can's meant to be there… inside there… inside her crotch…
sandy, call me when youre here, i dont have your nubmer anymore becuase i lost my phone……… i still dont ahve a phone. zzz lets go to sleep.
Ahh that sucks sandy. You should try to return it to the seller saying its bunk.
Nah.. I believe the T5 never came out in the US.. The european T5 is the same as the US T4. Try a Konica Hexar or a Contax T2/T3
Come by the Epicenter and I will train you in the ways of the T4.
I don't use my T4, you can borrow mine while your in NY
😉 YR the 2009 SHIT.
your energy is epic. they should bottle you and sell it.