
Alex and I left Yetis’ party to go eat at my house.

A little snack before the feast.

Cheap noodles and the best sauce. I’m starving.

I had to spice up the sauce a little bit. (Olive oil is in the tall jar.)

While waiting, I span the wheel of fortune. Sadly, I didn’t get boys night out! Bummer!

Brunt is in Atlanta. He wasn’t here to enjoy this.

The aftermath. Alex and I killed the spaghetti. Food is much better when you’re drunk.


Food hole is now upon me. There was a photo of Blisterfist, but I forgot to load it in.

Corny new skating!

Brunt and I were starving, so we got these for five dollars. Photo by Brunt.

We spotted some chinese ollie bars on the way back, so we snatched them up. Photo by Brunt.

Hunt and I hurdled with joy. New things to skate are sweet. Photo by Brunt.


This is Duffman. He might be the stupidest dog alive. I love him so.