Go Against The Grain

Sometimes their is really no explanation needed.

Reflection is needed.

There are some murals in Balboa Park. I couldn’t resist taking a photo of this old photograph.

Its always nice to get out and explore.

I enjoy riding my bike around Mission Hills at night. I recently found a nice view of Downtown San Diego, the freeways, and Mission Bay. The folks that live in this area sure do have a nice wide open view.

Traffic is a bummer.

Good ol’ palm trees….right before the sun went down.

Let the sun in your life.

Unitard Art Show-L.A.

Unitard Art Gallery is located in Downtown L.A. (www.aplacecalledunitard.com)
I visited the Gallery for Reeve Schumacher’s June Loon opening.

Butter Scary Flies.

-Polaroids overlapped with illustrations/sketches-These were really unique-

The compositions were very interesting. Most of them consisted of an illustration over top of material such as newspaper, maps, wallpaper, etc…

I wonder what the deliverer thought of this one…

A view of Downtown L.A. from the front of the gallery.

I ended up at a party after the show.
There were lots of possibilities…

Anyone up for a swim?

Taking photos of other photos.

My friend Cory owns a ’65 Cadillac. We cruised up to San Clemente for the weekend.

Classic Cadillac Cruise.

We bumped some tunes…Old radio’s are some much more rad looking.

Even the ashtray has style.

Things you normally find on a dashboard?

Posted up.

It was a cloudy day at the beach….but we made the best of it.

Amtrak goes right along the water.

Flattened. Coins.

Things of the Sea.

I came across this carcass.

“Birds of the same feather, flock together.”

Cory’s birthday was the following weekend. There were some friends in town to celebrate.

This was one of the better costumes for the few people that actually dressed up.

Someone said a DJ was coming…

After a few beers…Dance Right!!

This photo reminds me of an old polaroid.

Close, Closer, Closest….finally some beer.

Nimh showed up to the party and kept me company.