Mexico Trip-Part 2.

On the way to Punta Cabras, we stopped off at a random restaurant to use the bathroom. In the restaurant area there were tons of old ass beer cans hanging from the ceiling. I thought this was unique.

More hanging beer cans!

This was the actually camping spot. Check out the view…..something rad to see in every direction.

The clouds came through on the first morning.

Many Tecate’s were consumed on this trip. My friend Hodge was on his 12th or 13th beer by mid afternoon.

He then chose to take a nice, long nap…..which then led to even more drinking.

I decided to take a walk around these cliffs. The water would rush in and splash every minute or so….

This is none other than Danny Dean. He was working quite hard on having an Early Retirement. I don’t think he wanted to leave this place.

Danny got so wasted, he decided to climb this huge tower of sorts and take a shit off the top (see the toilet paper in the wind to the right)…..SHIT TOWER!!

Camp Fires are always interesting. We kept throwing these huge Agave plants into the fire……huge flames were the result.


Hodge almost caught on fire a few times.


The Fish Boat was out of commission….at least while we were there.

The Point

More of Punta Cabras…

Coming in strong.

I recently went on a trip down to Mexico with a few friends from work. I live about 25 miles from the border. We drove about 3 and a half hours south through Tijuana, Rosarito, and Ensenada, putting us at Punta Cabras (a great camping spot on the water). The trip was a complete success and many beautiful images came out of it. These photos document the sunsets and what Punta Cabras has to offer from that view. There will be more images to come very soon.

This is none other than a Yucca Tree (AGAVACEAE-Agave family). These were all over the place and i thought with the nice background it would make a great photo.

A Wide Angle view of the beach area known as Punta Cabras…..too bad I don’t really surf because the waves were coming in strong.

I woke early one morning after a long night of drinking by the fire and saw the fog coming over the mountains/cliffs. It would have been wack for me to just go back to sleep. I walked down off the rocks and onto the beach to capture this photo.

This is no more than a typical sunset photo, but i like it.

This whole area allows you to climb up and over cliffs/rocks and just explore in general. More pink skies.

This was the same morning the fog rolled over the cliffs end. I really liked the water that was standing on the beach after high tide.

I was having a hard time not getting splashed from the waves breaking at this spot. I don’t think i could have gotten any closer without getting soaked.

At first I thought there were mountains far out, but these are some low ass clouds. The sky was crazy looking right after the sun actually set.

More Yucca Trees….they were literally everywhere.