These are photographs from Russia. I’d like very much to post all fifty six of them with a nice little “You’ll Figure It Out.” But you won’t, and I’m trying not to be such a liar.
1471. People were really nice to me. This is LaFleur making me food; being nice to me, etc. If I learned anything on this little jaunt, I’d say it’s that grace is ubiquitous. And those are some big words there: Grace and Ubiquitous. But here is what I really mean: I mean that you will often find that you will get much more that you will ever deserve. Grace is Ubiquitous. Go read Faint Music again.
1755. Lots of weddings in St. Petersburg. Church On Spilled Blood with BGPs.
1759. Small child.
1772. Fourth of July Kidneys. Meat market, SPB.
1792. Jesse sleeps.
1795. Fucking goddamn motherfuckers but they’re fucking dead and I’m not but seriously FUCK these guys, FUCK These Guys–Dead Fucking Blood Suckers.
1800. Did you see the words you wrote?
1821. We did a photo shoot. I don’t have the photos from the camera we were using, but these are some BEHIND THE SCENES photos I shot with the fiddy.
1891. Dirty Dirty Fingernails.
1920. Tons of aged Russian man-ass.
1946. Obligatory Crow-shot.
1986. You’d be bummed, too, if you weren’t allowed to wheelie.
2015. Lots of weddings in SPB.
2016. See the turtle of enormous girth, on his back he holds the Earth.
2063. Moscow tourarism.
2097. Self portrait at Lenin’s tomb.
2121. Throw money over your shoulder here and you get a wish. If your wish is for three cents, it’s guaranteed to come true.
2183. Wishes are coming true all over this place.
2188. I wished for two eagles.
2190. Then I wished for spot-metering on one of the eagle’s eyes.
2212. Wild pack of family dogs.
2217. Fly Emirates!