these are my first pics in new york. i have some meduim format projects im gonna start soon. but here are some 35mm shots of what i have seen and been around out hurrr.
these are my first pics in new york. i have some meduim format projects im gonna start soon. but here are some 35mm shots of what i have seen and been around out hurrr.
you went to new york, but you still got it.
frog hoppers….. is gangstar………. &pss me&bro need the 8 ball back????
the bridge one is my fav. there's something about steel beams and rivets that's really attractive.
killing it, coast to coast.
wow danilo. these photos are really sic. my favorit one ins the last one on the bridge or the one of the green paint chipping from the building. you should release like 10 books of your photos man. your stuff is really inspiring everytime. keep doin what u do forever man. tomorrow's the day. kinda nervous. re edited some stuff. its a 20 minute thing now. all new. mostly 16mm. hopefully all the mike york fans will like it. if they dont i dont really care. it doesnt matter…. your all up in the mix of the new promo. talk to you soon man. peace -spencer
du that 4 flat 7 is crazy. each of those stairs in like the length of 2 normal stairs…. was there some contest goin on or somthing? that one kid looks like he could be harald hunters son. in the shot without anyone throwing theselves down it.
Ill! I love the shot of the ride with the little girls.
ahh man. your stuff is boss.
your stuff rips!! I really like the photo work.
fuck yes
Hey Danilo, My buddy David Luraschi showed me your stuff and I would love to use some of your photos from Africa for a film I'm working on. Can you send me your e-mail address and I'll tell you more about it? Thanks. Conall
danilo, do you need a place to live in august? i guess you can message me on (i dont love chase hill)