Spent the weekend in Maine with Patrick filming Robstock for Epicly Later’d.
Justin Strubing and Jack Sabback rode up with us. We stayed in Jamestown, RI for a night and woke up with a morning swim.
Maine is really far from New York.
But sometimes it’s worth it.
We made it to Whitneyville, ME well after dark and pitched tents.
In the morning, we could see a bunch of tents dotted throughout the woods. The ground was covered in this supersoft moss, like nature’s memory foam. Camping out was a pleasure.
Screwboo showed up sometime after I fell asleep and ended up falling in the fire and puncturing his ass.
This was the aftermath of just the pre-party.
Robstock takes place at an old cabin where Rob Collison of Low Card fame lived. It’s been abandoned for five years except for the few days a year that Robstock takes over.
The raccoons always raid Rob’s dad’s killer VHS collection.
While his brother’s trophies collect dust in the attic.
Out back there’s a VW graveyard that Rob’s dad tried to cover with ‘Nam-like camoflauge to keep from bumming out the townsfolk.
Everyone went swimming down the road at Six-Mile Lake and ripped Dawna’s rock a new one.
Beer toss.
Pussy rock for, you know, pussies.
Back at the ‘Stock people were stoking the fire for singe-footed ollies.
This was cool, but watching Lil’ Ricky go for it and eat it so hard was even more inspiring.
How about a sprinkle of truck on your burger?
Because it was Maine they had a lobster cookout.
Strubing sucked his down.
Ryan Weibust is the singer of Demassek. He was busy tying together torches before the show.
Gnarwhale took the stage.
It was their first show, but that doesn’t mean they won’t always wear corpse paint.
Or eat blood capsules.
Chicks dig Gnarwhale.
Airsoft to the eyeball.
Demassek may seriously have put on the best show I’ve ever seen. Ever.
Hightower flew in from SF and killed it as well.
Back at the ramp, Lil’ Ricky tried to jump out of the tree into the ramp a few times. He probably woulda landed it if he hadn’t been drinking since the previous afternoon.
This dude went for it too. Another no-go full of cheers.
Hello, America, this is Tooth.
Andreas relaxed through the madness like a true veteran.
“Are ye all having a good time?”
Angela and Jake wrestle for the Rossi.
The flatbottom turned into a pool of booze and boneheads.
The shirt comes off and into the fire.
Screwboo is like the admiral of SS Robstock.
Those planks were ripped up from the stage just hours after it was built.
Keep trying.
Burn on, Robstock. Burn on.