
Here’s a closer look at life in NY.

Where the magic happens.

HP Unattended.

4E, you have mail.

There’s a hole in the stairs between the third and fourth floor. My roommate Lyssa has really nice eyes.

Craig Murphey, my other roommate, is so gangster.

Fuck sleeves, he’s working on socks.

Warm socks.

Puerto Rico, HO!

It doesn’t taste like anything.

The Bagel Store has the best name in addition to the best bagels. Chocolate chip and salt. Mmmmmm.

Dumpling House is my number one right now. Eight veggie dumplings for two bucks.

And the sesame pancakes are only a buck twenty-five.

That describes Francis more or less. But if he crossed his fingers to spell “dink”, it’d be spot on. I kid; he’s sensitive.

We hold it down on the Bedford Ave stoop.

There’s a DeLorean for sale in Patrick’s driveway. $16,500. One trip to Atlantic City and it could be all mine.

I don’t chew gum. It’s bad karma.

Cocktails by Cameron.

Malcolm McLaren invented the Sex Pistols.

The Lightning Bolt show was madness.

You woulda thought Genesis Reunion was onstage or something.

Then the fire department showed up.

Trackstar X DQM X BMX X trackbikes.

I was a bike messenger once.

Autumn bowl in winter.

Shredding music.

This winged guy caught some light. See? It’s in the details.

in honor of cameron

Cameron Cuchulainn is the definition of a dear friend. When he goes out of his way to give you a ride, he always opens your car door. He knows the first and last name and high school and hometown of every friend, friend of friend, acquaintance, and bum in a fifteen mile vicinity. He really does care. For some silly reason, I left this special human being by the wayside when I moved to Brooklyn. To my heart’s delight, he’s coming to visit. In honor of Cameron’s visit, this is Cameron revisited (i.e. I got film back).

And if Cameron has ever left you a phone message, consider yourself very lucky. Here’s an animation I made with one of my favorite Cameron voicemails.

Looking forward to your visit, homie.


Oh thanks.

On my second day in town, I stepped out of a cafe and ran into this character.

Suzette invited me to a studio shoot set up by her friend Ryan.

I snuck in my own photos. This is what some people think about coffee.

Suzette on her 22nd birthday.

New friends.

Dana’s a funny guy.

Ben was in town visiting.

There was a Iron Maiden cover band.

Dogs playing nice.

This cat is named Mustache and lives in my house.

This bird lives outside my window. It doesn’t have a name.

NY is serious with its locks but its bikes are a joke.

Next hood up.

Waiting for the bus.

It started snowing on Friday.

The light was nice.

From my window.


My last weeks in San Francisco were especially hectic and I have a backlog of photos that I’ve been meaning to post. Right now I’m gonna share a smackle of the people and places I miss from California.

No cars even tried to run me down while standing in the middle of the street. The drivers are friendlier in SF.

The City.

From Benny Gold‘s window in the Tenderloin.

Vietnamese tofu sandwiches for $2.25 on Larkin and Golden Gate. I’ve probably had around 100 of these in the last two-and-half years.

Crap! I rode my bike.

I miss my room on S. Van Ness. There was always a good view.

And the neighbors were so mellow….

Taqueria Cancun. My heart aches but only because it’s so good.

Julian invited me to a recording studio around the corner on Valencia. There’s a new Morning Benders record coming out this week.

It sounds a little like this.


Chiquita returned from the Midwest and lives with Kristi in deep Mission. She’s got Latin flair.

My last trip to Food Not Bombs. People’s Park in Berkeley every weekday at 3pm. Gourmet Tuesdays are the best.

Everyone loves free food.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Meghan O’Neil is sweet as pie.

Galen Jackson found a fire hydrant.

Galen Jackson is an inspiration.

I miss Galen Jackson.

In the courtyard of his home, Surf House.

His room in Surf House.

Trading gazes.

Liz is Galen’s girlfriend and very minivan chic.

These kids are so odd.

Andy from 510.

510 crew. Send me some shoes, aight?

Mississippi Joe gave me a ZipZinger for navigating the NY streets. Huge heart in a little guy.

Hunter Jackson was my roommate for most of college and a little afterwards. He’s filling out.

Hunter is plotting to make the world a better place.

Back to Cancun. Where else?

In Aaron Lomax’s closet.

Howdy, neighbor.

Lomax in his living room. All wall hangings and decorations are courtesy of Aaron Lomax.

In my last days, Danilo came over and helped distract me from packing. We faked a studio in my room.

Cameron and I have a bond stretches farther than any continent.

From here on out, it’s all NYC. Love you on both coasts.

kari nye revisited

We still miss you very much so. Here’s to Kari Nye and getting film back.

get outta here!!!

My heart has swelled to sizes unimaginable during the past few days. As hard as leaving is, it’s really nice to see everyone and suck up those last bits of love. These photos are from a number of going away parties, the first of which was a total surprise and the nicest thing anyone has probably ever done for me.

Maggie Mudd’s vegan ice cream cake with my ugly mug on it. I have dreams about this, except the photo is of a Ferrari with an American flag backdrop.

Mimi’s got a grillpiece.

Andrew Kyle couldn’t make it to the party for unexplained circumstances but did leave this very nice gift for me.

Roast. Cameron said he thought I was a kook the first time he met me. Joke’s on him–I’m still a kook.

I stopped listening to the speechs and started looking at the cake again.

Hallie gets closest to embarrassing me.

Vegan riblets. They went all out.

I didn’t edit any of these photos. I should be packing. But imagine this is lighter and really emphasizes how delicious that BBQ sauce was.

I didn’t know I had so many friends. Must be free beer.

There were three other vegan cakes and I ate on all of ’em.

Alli came all the way from Sacramento. Sweetheart.

Jay James rocked the house. He played so loud that the cops came to my party too, but they weren’t invited so we told them to leave or we’d call the cops.

Chloe made me a really beautiful book. Awww.

Folks signed it. Bob’s was remarkable.

Make sure to ask Hallie the story of that shirt.

Bob was entertaining the ladies with an explanation of his butt sweat.

“I’m omniscent!” Best quote and best photo of the night.

This was from Will’s going away party on Monday. Renee brought her dead pet.

The last going away party at Amber Bar on Tuesday. Leave already, dammit.

A split-second after an inadvertent headbutt. Good luck in London, Will.

You looked! Now Joe gets a free punch on the arm.

Jeremy treats bars like libraries.

Vic Blue doesn’t do cute.

Laura Yeh was my first girlfriend in college. I rarely see her and last night it felt like full circle.

Thanks to everyone who came out and wished me well and gave me treats and books. I really love all of you and it’s so hard to leave. Come visit. KIT. LYLAS.