texas swear to god

thanks everyone for the emails, anyone else who’d like free songs sweettoothnelson@gmail.com

got a new album with Jess PAPS called Holy Hands!  Here’s a song
 [audio:http://lovebryan.com/brett/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/files/2011/04/God-Fearin-Man.mp3|artists=Sweet Tooth Nelson + Paps|titles=God Fearin’ Man]









i drank sewer water and lost my taste

i talked to walls and lost my faith

i had troubles i didnt make

our foreheads touch and it goes away.

I cant tell the future

i cant read minds

i can barely see what here you’ve underlined

i cant trust my heart to you

i dont trust your kind

your sweet smell soft sweat every single time.

we dreamed of each other side by side

i cant remember now with what words or how i described

visions sweet breathing tickles troubled spine

cover me up like you took my life

i dont mind, i cant care, i cant tell, i wont try

ill just howl on your street until youre outside.


Grand Canyon

a song with Jess Paps

[audio:http://lovebryan.com/brett/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/files/2011/04/ramona.mp3|titles=ramona|artists=sweet tooth nelson & paps]




wish i could photoshop the camera out, sorry



photo: LAND









let me know if you liked the photos or want songs for free


Wild at heart

covered jess paps, listen!

[audio:http://lovebryan.com/brett/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/files/2011/04/bring-her-to-me2.mp3|titles=bring her to me (jess paps cover)|artists=sweet tooth nelson]