and they go runnin. then they go. get chased away and further more.
you can never touch the sun if your eyes get sore.
golden rows, golden rows.
they all line the pearly roads.
let’s keep this thing on the ground.
let’s weigh this thing down.
help me tie the cables to the back and keep the chatter down.
and the sign says the sun will shine today.
the sun will shine, rise and fall.
fire truck red ahead of her, it’s earned its color.
the holster struck a chain door, and we’ve got holes in these floors.
the rain’s gonna flood in a change of tide, don’t let the time get by.
don’t let me close my eyes.
spill all the gasoline.
if it burns by you, it burns by me.
don’t forget the smell of skin under your fingertips.
don’t take the velvet in.
run for cover. take it down, take it under. shoe straps, loose ends, clouds and thunder.
words like sleet that didn’t make you angry but made you wanna to leave.
eyes like the storm, give warning.
her hands were little.
wrapped blankets round the shoulders
we got lost in the middle.
her breath was like a fingerprint,
they ate us alive,
we died doing time.
i’ll love you like noone never could.
never will, never would.