I’m living in upstate NY for a bit. Here are some moments. FYI: there are a few images that some would consider graphic in the way of dead animals mixed in. On a farm one sees death and birth frequently; in some seasons they are an almost an everyday occurrence. That said, neither occasion is taken lightly. Just something to keep in mind.
Harvesting pea shoots on one of our plots.
Poison ivy is kind of an issue out here.
The pig in transport to it’s new home.
We had a big event that required a lot of clean jars.
Fresh from the pond.
Harvesting elderflowers to make syrup.
This old barn had such thick beams! And a giant vulture roosting inside.
U-pick strawberries are infinitely more tasty straight from the field.
We killed a goat for an event. These guys are pros and handled it quickly.
If you were upset by this image, the next (and last) won’t be to your liking.