The following pictures document some of the last moments of a glorious, challenging, eventful semester.
Fall leaves, and the start of a party in the student garden wherein after jokingly demanding tequila upon arrival, I was pointed in the direction of the bottle by one of my gsi’s.
Jackie and I are going to be chasing bugs in Napa vineyards this summer for pay.
The coldframes.
Patrick and Courtney, happiness.
Houston and Annie, ditto.
One of our illustrious GSI’s, Nathan, wearing a crown of mustard plants.
Kim and May, dressed to the nines for the latest CZ special dinner.
The slime molds have rebelled and are taking over the house.
The spoils of a very successful mushroom hunting expedition.
The resulting breakfast.
More evidence that my mom is actually five.
Opening presents never gets old.
I made christmas dinner for the family and friends.
I think it went over pretty well.
Hope everyone is enjoying the winter days, before long it’ll be spring again…