GHE20 G0TH1K and Adult Braces are two dance parties that appear nearly polar opposite. One plays gothy electronic rap music, and the other plays 90s alternative rock and pop jams, but they are both manifestations of the same things, movement and expression, with a bit of mesh.


The styles are impossible to miss.

Ghetto Gothik is the easier way to spell it.





Claire may be the only person other than myself to go to both GHE20 GOTH1K and Adult Braces.















GHE20 GOTH1K is heavy on the styles, and Adult Braces is heavy on the moves.







Sometimes this would happen when Torn by Natalie Imburglia came on, which was a cover.


90s grunge brings out the angsty teenage aggression.



Claire may be the only person other than myself to go to both GHE20 GOTH1K and Adult Braces.









These photos were taken between Fall 2016 and Spring 2017.

What does gothy electronic rap music sound like? This is a popular track on GHET20 GOTH1K’S soundcloud: