
halloween 2006

Tonya Maxine Harding

Date of Birth: 11/12/70
Height: 5’1″
Weight: 105 lbs (more or less)
Eyes: blue Hair: blonde
The girl that made Figure Skating the runner-up to pro football
in American television ratings

Banned for life by the USFSA, this pool playing, cigarette smoking, truck driving bad girl of figure skating continues to fascinate the skating world and has now become a professional boxer.

j dilla came back

only one can win.


THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES, GIANT… Sun. Nov. 5th @ GREENE Street in Greensboro, NC

use one

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Julien’s dog- Star

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view from Hawk’s bill, nc

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he was snoring

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livin on the edge

easy monet

this weekend a new show starts at the North Carolina Museum of Art in raleigh.
this is that shit from that kurosawa movie dreams

my new bike

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this is butch:
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he is obese

is it edible?

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Reynolda Gardens was on prime time television this weekend, during the wake forest football game.

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Spinach is back and that meant a trip to las arrieros
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my friends are encouraging this opossum to make return trips to their house

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…some of them think he’s cute…


James has a scanner. it’s really nice.


is back!

Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain