I was assigned to shoot the first Moog Fest in Asheville this weekend for NY TImes. Here’s a link to the slideshow and article. Here are some of the other shots that I liked. It was fun. Big Boi killed it.
I was assigned to shoot the first Moog Fest in Asheville this weekend for NY TImes. Here’s a link to the slideshow and article. Here are some of the other shots that I liked. It was fun. Big Boi killed it.
killed it.
lovely shots. surprised to see myself and friends in your NYTimes.com slideshow (devo and flame heads)!
Killer job. Keep Asheville weird!
Aweseome shots! I was there on Saturday night and took some pics also. Heres the link: http://yapsnaps.blogspot.com/2010/10/moogfest-2010.html
goddamn that splash picture! goddamn!
oh snap! i’m the girl in the picture that was on the front page of the NY times arts section. hell to the yes. thanks for capturing a very special moment.