My brother and I spend a couple days visiting our friends Frank and Kari and their son Silas recently. They live waaaaaaay out in the middle of nowhere in Tennessee on 400 acres of land much of which they have cleared for pastures using a new environmentally friendly method. Their business, V & V Land Management ( is the first of it’s kind and definitely worth reading up on.

They recently got solar power going out at the farm giving them power for the first time in 5 years.

Frank hunted the dear that is in this stew with a bow on a hunting trip in Kentucky. The head of the dear watched us from it’s perch on the wall as we ate.

Silas is learning a lot of survival skills at a very young age.

Frank showed us an old cemetery in the woods on his land. This is a World War I grave and many of the graves were older.

My first time shooting a real gun.

Not Justin’s first time shooting a real gun.

Up at sunrise, we went out to hunt rabbits. Silas came along for his first ever hunting trip… But we found no rabbits.