Sadly, after only two quick days we had to wave goodbye to the Tarsiers and continue on to Kristen’s grandparents house in Cagayan De Oro City. This is where most of Kristen’s Filipino relatives live.
This is the first week of Cagayan…
There seemed to be a family get together for one occasion or another every other day. This was somebody’s birthday but we are unsure who.
Kristen has so many relative it gets really hard to keep up with.
Fiesta in Cagayan. Another family shindig.
Lechon of course.
Public transportation.
The neighbors played Majong 24/7.
They bet 20 pisos (about 50 cent US) per game.
Another neighbor.
There is a pretty stark contrast between people with money and people with no money in the Philippines.
Kristen’s grand parents house was only a short walk from the beach so we spent a whole lot of time there. Swimming is always a nice option when you are on the equator, but I always missed good photos when I came to the beach to swim, so each day I had to weigh my options and decide if I wanted to swim or bring my gear.
Kristen was a good sport.
Another dilemma that I often faced was that the good light is in the evening, but shortly after or during… the gnarly storm comes almost every day. I shot this just before the first time we got stuck in a storm.
We took refuge under a little beach hut, but the rain was very hard and the hut was small and leaky. I shot a few photos and then covered my equipment. The locals are very casual about the storm and the kids play and clean themselves.