Kristen, being a city girl, has never been partial to the idea of camping… It’s not her style. But I finally talked her into it so we packed our bags and started the long, dark, torturous, …dangerous…long hike.

The fact that we left after dark didn’t make it any less long, dark, torturous, dangerous, or long.

The hike seemed to take all night, but we finally made it.

By the time we got there, I was so tired that pitching a tent was not an easy task… but I managed (nudge).

Oops, forgot the hot sauce. Better go back. HAHA.


Morning came too soon and we packed up camp and prepared for the long journey…

Happy Birthday KIM!

Kim’s 20th birthday was this weekend. Lots of people were present. You were supposed to dress up like either a bunny or a dead president. I didn’t see any presidents though.

Kim shortly after it turned midnight making her officially 20 yrs old. Janelle looking not much like a bunny or a dead president.

Have you ever gotten a house full of bunny rabbits drunk? Hours of entertainment.

It can get a bit scary at times though.

MC bunnyman…

…Is really tall.

Gold fronts are so last year. 2006 is all about gold face.

This would have been an excellant portrait of the birthday girl… Thanks Brunt.

Scrary ass rabbit.

Jacob met this chick on myspace… supposedly she’s famous, she’s got like 3,000 friends.

I guess they really hit it off. He seems to be happy with her.

Yep. You can see the love in his eyes.

We lost a great one.

I just heard yesterday that a wonderfull person and a good friend died. Meta was so out going and a great person to be around. I never saw her in a bad mood. For those of you who did not know Meta. There is a picture of her in my most recent blog. She is dancing with her brother Rag’. This could possibly be the last picture taken of her. If you knew Meta or have ever met her, send some love to her family. She will be missed.

The weekend and then some.

Elliot came into town for a few days and assigned me as his event photographer for his Emerald Lounge show. I took like 200 pictures, but these are a few that I liked.

Dj Equal kept it hype as usual.

Lots of people came out for our local celeb.

“Get low get low…”

Eliot brought me the sickest shirt for NYC. I’ve didn’t take it off for days.

DJ football is too cool for school.

My lovely photo assistant started loosing focus after a few New Castles.


Meta and Rog

Can’t stop the blog

I have a blog in the works. Till then, here’s a few.

Art by Kristen. No photoshoping, you’re just on acid.

I met this random girl skipping accross a bridge.

I think we will be great friends.

Rory can skate the fuck out of the park.

Thirsy for kitty.