You can dance if you want to
Chloe and Marcy’s Blog got started. It’s the funniest blog ever. Your sides will be in stitches and your vagina will be moist cuz they are hot. NIICCCEEE
My favorite things all in one place- boobies, and pizza and being naked in water.
Are you serious? British people are HIL-ARIOUS
Liz wanted to smell nice forever and thought if she ate the conditioner…
Melon looks ripe to me
Biking home from school is fucking emotional.
Being John Porter.
It is kind of scary.
Julian meat paws the beer. The only real mannish way to drink.
Meat Paw II
Adrienne plugs Bob
Shit gets wild. Statutory rape bitches.
This Corgy was making my day good before work.
80’s aerobic bike, presented my Marvic
Aya stopped by the shop to check out some Vans. She is the most precious piece of baby I’ve ever seen.
Then this other baby one upped her with his sweet squirrel shoes.
21 and still nerding out. Funtime is actually a chatroom. All their screen names are on the back of these shirts. NERD ALERT.
I bought Chris the same shoes as me for his birthday. Then tried to recreate what Jay did when He bought me the same shoes as him. Nothing original has ever come from me. Except for that poop this morning. Man, it was unique.
Marvic is the pitcher and Van is the catcher. If ya know what I mean.