Recent types of portraits I’ve been able to see, outside with people, outside with a tree.
Psychedelic garden of eden. New Zealand.
Young New Zealand version of Hamilton.
Lake Front view with Kasia.
Josh being Josh.
The roof top boys.
Peaceful Sade.
Violent Sade.
Headlamp munchies with Matt Jacoby and Annalise.
Mellow Vibes.
Sydney Buchan in full camp spirits.
Scouting the scene.
Shooting the scene.
Kasia licking the scene.
In Bryans world.
Kevin the chef. One pan for chicken egg one pan for ostrich egg.
Annalise peeking.
Thanksgiving pilgrim.
Meowing Mindy.
Allen rockin Moracan.
Far out Farry. Northern England.
Danny + Thea = love on lovebryan.