Location: North Carolina
Mission: Have fun
Other Mission: Make a Sweet Tooth Nelson music video.
Tour Guide: Bryan Derballhandler.
Pictures: Were fun to take too.
Hypothesis: High Octane.
Target: We stopped by there.
Food: Was amazing.
Who else: NO ONE ELSE!
You sure: no comment
WAIT WHAT?: next question.
Nudity: Hallies
Rated: R++
Aspect Ratio: Slut-Teen by 69
Anything Else: Look and see…

And the video:

Thanks to:
Jacobs one night of fame
Bellemes fire kit
Hallies mothership
Bubba for scarring me
Alex is the new Dicaprio
Annalese’s hut building skills
Matts wang piece of minds eye
Jesse’s project safety managing
Derballas DJ’ing
Camerons chief captain of mission control
John Chu’s fear conquer-ship
Christine’s amazing at swimming
Rope Swings power and agility
Bella’s strength and finess
Ariels awareness
Mindy’s delicate nature explorer-ship
and last but not least
Sweet Tooth’s blade skills and uncontrolled method acting.