Battle at 538

This is a lil skate video we made the other night at the 538 mini ramp hosted by Kevin Hayden. Chris Hayden came threw and represented the east coast, Julian Gilbert-Davis came threw and represented like 4 coasts and I’m still confused which coast I represent. But it was fun coasting around and doing a few stunts here and there. Check it out!

Voodoo All Stars

Here are some drawing I did today with some colored pencils I found in my house. They are inspired by a Voodoo tribe that I made up in my head. I’ll add the other members of the tribe as I continue to draw them.

Spiritual Voodoo Leader

Voodoo King

My Recent Lifestyle

A lot of people I know like to chill like a Chilean. So I took pictures of that happening.

Brett chills like a Chilean sometimes too. (Picture by Trina Vo)