This is sad on so many levels.

Saw the Mountain Goats at Amoeba. That John Darnielle is just a good guy.

On my way to Dylan and Kyle’s, I saw this shoe store that used the old Ellington Emerica’s for it’s signage. When did that shoe become iconic?

Hartkeap celebrated it’s one-year anniversary with a little soiree.

Dylan dressed up nice and made mussels.

Gord didn’t shower and made an Alfalfa sprout.

I used to stand a foot taller than this kid when I met him.

Card-tossing at Chris Chu.

Adrienne drinks the King of Beers.

I lured some of my favorite girls out to the City promising soyrizo. It worked.

Kari’s pretty poplar with the boys right now.

Too bad she lost her weave and they gonna see her bald head and say, “shoo, girl, why you playin’ me like a fool.”

Professional sweetheart, Meghan, made me an amazing cycling cap. She’s turned this into an art and will make you a custom one for probably less than they cost in the store. Queen of the cottage industries.

Pat brought me a copy of his CD. So ill, this was the highlight of my week.

Me and Kristi was supposed to go the waterpark. We ate watery oatmeal instead. My bad.

I had to go to Berkeley on assignment and ran into Dante who lives on Treasure Island. Not as glamorous as it sounds.

Julian. He just resurrected his myspace. A digital Jesus.

I was asked to shoot the crew for an ad. It was a good time. But difficult getting everyone perfect. The guitar guy had it in this photo but everyone else dropped the ball.

Shot 47 or 212.

Shot 118 or 212.

The final product. Adam hooked it up and made my crappy photo into something cool.

Isa is sad that I don’t live in Berkeley anymore.

Michelle couldn’t care less because she’s got a dirty rat on her shoulder.

This is the Polaroid Kid. He’s a budding art-star, trainhopper, punkrocker and genuine natural.

His real name is Mike Brodie and I’m working on a piece about him for SOMA magazine.

These are his homemade tattoos based on a drawing he did when he was eight.

I was so jealous of his natural abilities that I killed him.

Mike Wong, Chelsea and Ryan SLO hosted a vegan BBQ on Saturday. Didn’t need to ask me twice.

They have an abandoned house in their backyard.

And we climbed the roofs until we found a way in.


There were all kinds of great things inside, like torn photos, rubber wrappers and a Dave Chapelle ticket stub.


Nature’s blinds.

One of many tender moments between Adri and Hallie.

Also a tender moment, somewhat reminscent of a mother and her unborn child.

This is my favorite photograph of the moment. Katherine sparkles.

Later that night, Hallie’s big head blocked my view of Best in Show at Dolores.

My friend Sitar had a party at her house.

The place was so nice that it made up for all the kooks in attendance.

They have a hot tub on the roof with a crazy view of the city. I’m fashioning a grappling hook as you read this.

But after too much “progressive house” I had to peace out.

Elias and overexposure.

This man is the most unassuming drug deal
er. He was offering ginger-carob-coated drugs.

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