There’s this nasty feeling I’ve got says the following is going to be extremely boring. Anyway, I moved out of Casa Zimbabwe for the fourth time last weekend and I took that time make a visual inventory of my most prized possessions. Sadly, I learned that I own nothing of real value. One man’s junk….
This was my room and wheeled beasts that took it over.
Home ain’t home without the fam.
Within these pages is every fun thing that I’ve done and every moment of heartache I’ve endured since December 2004.
These objects are among the longer, skinnier things I own.
My friends are good at skateboarding.
Movies and soundtracks.
Shoelaces/belts. Whatever.
I seriously didn’t even know that I kept ticket stubs until I found all of these in a ceramic dish. Strange.
Other unimportant pieces of paper I’ve yet to trash.
Valets always got cash, y’know. A guy gave me ten $2 bills as a tip once.
Other nonsense that resides in aforementioned ceramic dish.
Every week. Ritual.
These hang alongside the family.
Every was packed away in a red Jeep Cherokee with no radio (thanks, Rachael) and relocated to 16th and S. Van Ness.
My room is the one with the lights on the right. Over the years this house has played home to talented folks like Derrick Snodgrass, Elias Bingham, Cairo Foster, Vic Blue, Chris Wright, Darin Howard, Pete Thompson, Justin Strubing, Danny Fuezalida, Hanzy Driscoll, Brian Uyeda and many others I probably don’t even know about. Not to mention every major pro skateboarder has slept on the floor at one point in time.
Eli loves Leo.
Our shower has no pressure.
Stallions and Thundercats HO!
The backyard has a broken basketball hoop and an avocado tree.
Joya likes his boards as small as possible.
You can tell a lot about a house by its frigidaire. Don’t judge us.
Zach reads sometimes.
Rumeli has this thing for the Day of the Dead.
I think my favorite thing is the original Chris Duncan piece in the hallway.
“Dear Diary, all I ever want to do is sit in my bay window and write in you!!!”
Good buddhists don’t kill flies.
Whew! Glad that’s over. My deepest apologies.
finally. assurance that if i have a hard time falling asleep, i'll know exactly what to read.
can i borrow $40 dollars to make my rent.