Brunt and Mike Belleme came to visit and we did some skateboarding.

Mike makes mistakes sometimes.

Ty was on the scene to keep our star aligned.

And he came through.

Lemme see, lemme see.

Smooth & Mellow. Nothing says Brunt better.

Ty’s smoking.

Brunt got shouted at by SFPD’s finest for hanging out atop the bus shelter.

What’re you trying, boy?

Mission accomplished.

But not without sacrifice.

When we weren’t skateboarding, we went on a ride to Indian Rock and came across this peaceful house.

They had the tastiest plum tree.

And a smattering of blackberries. It was like a smoothie growing out of the ground.

Bruce Wayne’s tag.

More skateboarding, shouting, getting kicked out and ambient light.

Berkeley skies.

Brunt enjoyed himself I think.

Last room to room party as a co-operative resident. Kari gets whompled.

The same day folks painted the bathroom, someone spread this message. Fresh paint atop fresh paint.

Nicole took her MCATs and AK got a suite at the Clift Hotel to celebrate.

Downtown SF.


Jay James was there doing the Jay James dance.

Scratched cornea.

Berkeley’s finest.

When I tried to get Nicole to play doctor, she just advised us on wearing helmets. She probably failed her MCATs. Just kidding, see you at Havard.

AK made good use of the $300 body pillow.

This was just darling.

What a nice table.

Let’s get inside it.

Alli in a nutshell.

Poaching flashes.

Elias is a little man.

Can you see why I’m going to miss Berkeley?

Elias celebrated his 30th yesterday.

Anya’s back and we ate Vietnamese sandwiches.

Eli got lost looking for the bathroom at SOMA and ended up stuck in the garage behind bars. Yup, happy birthday.

Kari, Ilya and I ate Smart Alec’s. Made me feel American again.

Sweet chocosoy.