Bryan, your current blog lacks focus, insight and any sort of conclusion. Where are the thematic elements so prevelant in your previous entries? As your professor, I am thoroughly disappointed in this motley assortment of photographs held together by nothing but a shoestring. At best. D+

Last days in NC. We skated a miniramp and Zach Branch, a frequent Broken Branches contributor, came and climbed trees while we skated.

Jacob looks really awkward but he’s actually balancing on the end of the coping. But he’s still awkward.

While we were skating, some dude rolled up on a busted scooter. He was about five foot tall and a little heavyset. He took off his helmet, pulled out his axe and pocket amp, and asked us if we liked Kitty. I pretended not to know what he was talking about, but he was seriously asking us if we listened to a terrible all-girl metal band. Sorry, guy, nope.

He played it anyway and got Jacob stoked enough to try pivot fakies.

Mothers hide your daughters.

He tried to sell us his scooter that he ran into a truck the day prior. Duct tape seemed to be holding it together just fine.

This was in the same yard as the miniramp. We shoulda got gnar.

Molnar’s lucky number is 666.

One more. Vamp front-flip. Goodbye NC.

Yesterday we went to Mossword Park to play kickball. There was this drum ensemble and all the kids from the park were getting hyphy and going dumb in the grass.

Dylan just turned 19 but is never too old to withhold his laughter when dude trips and rolls into home plate.

Long shadows.


Remember Kyle Wilson?

Our team ruled.

This team was hurting. At least they all have nice t-shirts.

Chelsea’s too punk for you.

Ghost ride the whip.

This is the best thing I’ve maybe ever seen. Homeboy on a tandem bike with his homegirl on the back. Coaster brakes and homemade aluminum foil rims. Picture me rollin’.