Went swamming again. Emily came. We used to swim this spot together when I was sixteen.

If you’re sick of jumping off of shit pictures, then I apologize and advise you to scroll down a good ways.

Eight years of swimming here and this was the first time I ever slid off.

And this one.

BFF three-way.

Brunt enjoying the action.

Emily’s tough as nails.

Some good ol’ boy showed us all up with a gainer from the middle of the waterfall.

Brunt ain’t gonna stop doing cannonballs though.

And Molnar’s vamp variations extend far and wide. 360 Vamp.

This is what life looks like after the fall.

People really love their pets. This pet isn’t mine but I still love it. Dogsitting Pookie.

Hayden is curating on North Carolina’s biggest neon show in this gallery. Frosted glass is strangely comforting to me.

This is part of the neon show.

He explained how they trap noble gases and pump them into these objects of blown glass and create arts.

Hayden’s contribution. He made glass molds from old railroad equipment.

I went to high school with Carleigh and Nola. Rad they’re still so nice and not fat like the rest of Reynolds ’00.

Wildflowers at a family friend’s house.


This forty-year old woman had the raddest tree house. She’s restoring my faith in adulthood.

It has a suspension ladder too. No fireman’s pole, but still fun.

Me and my babysister went camping. We left after dark, but that was fine because it was a full moon.

We hiked by moonlight.

My sister was tough and slept under the stars without a tent.

Tents are for weenies.

First thing in the morning, I picked blueberries for breakfast.

We had a plethora.

Sara needs her pillow.

Someone lives in this.

Maybe it’s this guy.

Do these clouds look like they’re moving to you?

We walked down this long crick to a recommended swimming hole.

You had to jump out about 20ft. on this jump. I made it about 17ft. Still kicking though.

Back up the crick.

And home.