I went way out, North Carolina way.
Chelsea and Chloe stopped by to see me off. Sweethearts.
My ticket was free courtesy of Airtran and Wendy’s cups. Can’t beat that with at stick.
Indiana maybe?
Ah, to be home. My sister shows me what the family’s been up to since my last visit.
Queen of dirt.
Above sister, sixteen years of age, just received her Good Enough Degree in the mail. Yay for the NC public school system.
This is one of five dogs that live in my house. He doesn’t like me a bit.
This is Jacob’s roommate’s dog Chorizo. Dumbass got stuck in the blinds.
Peanut butter tofu and sweet potato fries at Rosetta’s is worth a visit to NC in itself.
Porches every night in summer.
As we sat on this one, the neighbors were breaking up. Woman picked up man’s bike above her head and hurled it into the yard. Then followed broken glass and invective. Woman: “Dirty mutherfucker, sonofabitch with a three-inch dick. Got a damn STD, dirty bitch.” Man: “I’m sorry, baby.”
This also occurs on the porch. But you probably already know that if you’ve ever seen Brunt’s blog.
Phil Collins and Jon Bon Jovi like watching Jacob pee.
Charlotte’s web.
Wasps make good friends, bad enemies.
Jacob thinks he’s a tough guy.
Margot really is. You shoulda seen the other guy.
Mike proves what a bunch of roughnecks NC folks really are.
Gus’s first.
Kim experiences the agony of defeat.
Push had an art show and cheese cubes.
Jacob poured drinks and made enough in tips for a week’s rent out here.
The prettiest peeing behind a dumpster shot maybe ever.
Monorail, RIP. For those that know.
Mama installed an outdoor shower. It’s remarkable.
Little people took over this waterfall.
I claimed this sanctuary for myself.
But decided to share it with Mama. Tender moment.
The best skatespot in town is now at the bottom of my street. Where was this in high school?
Post-swim drop-in.
We went to an R&B club one night. Somehow I got through despite the dress code and minimum 25 year-old age limit. I enjoyed it except for this moment when I found out they didn’t have Bobby Brown’s “My Prerogative.”
Zoe was unperturbed.
Get Jacob to show you the double dutch sometime. He’s a master of modern dancefloors.
But is that enough to keep Zoe from the temptations of a well-dressed man?
I’ve got nothing to say.
Hayden wears an official shirt from the University of Tennessee. You’d think those academics would be able to spell it right.
On the way to the Quarry. NC swimming at its best.
Boys tossing rocks.
Not fulfilling my legacy.
Cheers, Brunt.
Molnar has the steezy frontflips. Not to mention he can grab vampire if provoked.
I don’t miss southern girls at all.
Got my eyes on a winner.
This is why it’s good to be home.
frog face wenches. its good to have you home.
damn monorail RIP for real.
Beautiful Pictures. Take me out there with ya next time you go pleeeeeeeeeeease.
you made me miss nc. and don't worry when Scott and I were there that dog hated us too. but we both miss your madre. and pass along a giant congrats for the ged from us please!
take me next time, foo.
Nice blog Brian. Nice face Zoe(sp?. nice dance Jacob. Nice flip Molnar.
is monorail that big backside 50-50 Andrew Reynolds did?
life sure is simple in the sweet sweet south.