When I was nine years old and was told I had to go to the babysitter’s, I kicked my heel straight through the drywall. It wasn’t my first experience with rage and certainly not my last (focused skateboards, reverberating obscenities, flying CD players, etc.), but it was poignant. Rage is one of those unsettlingly raw human emotions–unprocessed, uncontrolled, well beyond the decorum of modern society and ultimately primal. Capturing such a moment can prove espeically difficult and dangerous, but our valiant, young contributors have done their best with what follows.


elliot heller

kyle camarillo

eric mitchell

marcy rosner

julian harmon

mike belleme

pat parra

bryan derballa

dylan christopher


bryan derballa

chris brunt

graham french

elias bingham

pat parra

sara derballa

samantha cohen

pat parra

danilo parra

mike belleme

bryan derballa

caroline thaxton

jamie brown

pat parra

bryan derballa

chloe roth

greg knowles



sunee singhta

shira smith

zach branch

emily lord

zach branch

caroline thaxton

bryan derballa

alex klein

chloe roth

kyle camarillo

meghan o’neil

bryan derballa

patrick house

eric mitchell

chris brunt

dusty stokes

zach branch

mike belleme

chloe roth

danilo parra

pat parra

chloe roth

erik harbinson

caroline thaxton

pat parra

pat parra

danilo parra